






Over mij: READ MY POSTS!!!!<br/><br/>WE DON'T NEED OR WANT DICK PICS IN OUR INBOX. I get turned on by showing off, and knowing guys and girls are wanking to me. I AM NOT A WATCHER<br/><br/>Now then:<br/><br/>I like to show off. Hubby and I use to frequent a strip club back in New England near the sub base. I got to know most of the girls and they talked me on stage one night. I got up and bartender knew I had been drinking so he wouldn't let me do it then. He told me I had to come back and make the choice sober. I actually did go back the next night. I got such a rush from all those Sailors that night seeing my tits while I was on stage!!! Especially when I would do lap dances for them too. I loved bouncing my huge tits on their face, and rubbing their stiff pricks with only panties or tight shorts on. Well we took it from there and have been playing around online ever since. I hope you all enjoy my videos and photos.

Over mij

READ MY POSTS!!!!<br/><br/>WE DON'T NEED OR WANT DICK PICS IN OUR INBOX. I get turned on by showing off, and knowing guys and girls are wanking to me. I AM NOT A WATCHER<br/><br/>Now then:<br/><br/>I like to show off. Hubby and I use to frequent a strip club back in New England near the sub base. I got to know most of the girls and they talked me on stage one night. I got up and bartender knew I had been drinking so he wouldn't let me do it then. He told me I had to come back and make the choice sober. I actually did go back the next night. I got such a rush from all those Sailors that night seeing my tits while I was on stage!!! Especially when I would do lap dances for them too. I loved bouncing my huge tits on their face, and rubbing their stiff pricks with only panties or tight shorts on. Well we took it from there and have been playing around online ever since. I hope you all enjoy my videos and photos.
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