





Over mij: I'm a freak. Almost everything turns me on. And I do almost anything that feels good anywhere. I just really dgaf. I have a lady that PnPs with me and she open to adding more people to the party. She is 50+ and black but in great shape. She would like to have a MtF trans in both solo and group action with me. If any women or couples wanna party like it's the end of the world she isnt too interested in women but I have free reign and she will gladly work the camera. Feel free to ask me for a show. ill be honest and upfront sometimes ill ask for a lil something for some scooby snacks that will make me horny and play for hours.

Over mij

I'm a freak. Almost everything turns me on. And I do almost anything that feels good anywhere. I just really dgaf. I have a lady that PnPs with me and she open to adding more people to the party. She is 50+ and black but in great shape. She would like to have a MtF trans in both solo and group action with me. If any women or couples wanna party like it's the end of the world she isnt too interested in women but I have free reign and she will gladly work the camera. Feel free to ask me for a show. ill be honest and upfront sometimes ill ask for a lil something for some scooby snacks that will make me horny and play for hours.
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Mofo2121 Personal information

Hoe ik eruitzie

  • Etniciteit:
  • Lichaamstype:
  • Haarlengte:
  • Haarkleur:
  • Kleur ogen:
  • Hoogte:
    6 ft 72 in (185 cm)

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